We offer deep consulting experience across industries and functions to bring the best talent and opportunities together. We evaluate and assess potential and performance to suit the position and culture of your company.

Sectors we cater

Our knowledge-led approach makes us the best people to understand and deliver on who or what gets you to grow.

Information Technology- Product and Services

Automotive - Engineering and Manufacturing

Financial Services

Electronics Manufacturing Services

Industrial Automation

Why Talentstryke

We understand Business

Both Partners have a decade experience in corporate MNCs where they have led the company recruiting practice and strategy. We understand both sides of the table.

Personal Approach

We know that every organization is different, so we make sure our approach to your recruitment needs will be as unique as you are.

Data driven

We firmly believe in adding value to our customers hence we make rational recommendation driven through various reports and analytics.

Candidate advisory

We make career advancement recommendations to the candidates only when they match the role and the company culture. We don’t believe in just closing numbers.

Brand positioning

We take candidate feedback to understand their recruiting experience which help our clients in taking corrective actions and position a positive company brand.